Year: 2022


This year we have had so many fun experiences with school. My favourite one was going to QE ||. Because My mum’s friend works there and she was my swim teacher. If you would like to see more I’l show you a picture of the school things we did.




what did you do in 2022?



Supermarket Trip 🍓🍉

Today 9:30 our class went to PaknSave Wanoni.

In the group i was in there was Izzy, Kyan, Tristan and Kelly (Izzy’s Mum).

We got assigned to a place which was snacks. We  learned that shapes are sometimes food. OSM bar is a healthy option if you want a snack.


We went around the shop looking at the thing we got assigned to. Once we finished that we had to go down to the next row on the sheet we got.


Have you ever been to the supermarket with your school?


Green And Clean

For 3 weeks W.O.R.M 2 (Writing, Orientation, Reading and Maths) have been doing something called Agency Activity. One of the tasks was to make a poster about clean and green.


Here is the poster for you:

What do you think being clean and green is?

Jonah – A Fishy Tale

Since the start of this term the seniors were practicing for our senior production.  There were 8 songs (Sunbathing, Spanish Holiday, Heave Ho, Belly of a Whale, Nineveh, Lord Rescue Me, Gods Love Don’t Stop and My Lighthouse).

The song Room 2 did was Spanish Holiday. Spanish Holiday was my favourite because the girls got our hair curled. I did it with Eva, Laylah, Izzy, Amelia, Violet, Rose and my BFF’s Summer and Imogen.

Here is the picture of Room 2 girls (I’m the one on the far left).


Here are the songs that we did (Not including my light house).


There was one thing that went wrong on our first show. The boat fell on the sailors!

The boat wasn’t supported correctly!


Have you ever had a school production?

Have you ever seen the production Jonah and a fishy tale?

NZ Maori Language

Kia Ora

Since the start of the term I have been in Maori language for Maori interchange.

We have learned about Numbers (Like double digits), Greetings and farewells and the days of the week.

We played Blookets and Maori card games. We also used strips of colored paper to write down the days of the week.

It was hard getting the hang of saying the days of the week.

Do you know any Maori words?

I think it’s important to know the Maori language to understand our culture more.

Rising Tide Reflection

W.A.L.T Make comparisons in our novel study

In Room 2 we completed the novel study called ‘Rising Tide’. I liked the story because its a really good story and has lots of twists and is full of adventurers. We made comparisons with different characters. I chose Ari (The main character), Ari’s Koro and Ari’s sister Kiri. My favourite character would be Kiri.

Here is the slide of the comparisons:


Have you ever read ‘Rising Tide’?

Rising Tide

W.A.L.T:Put Rising tide in order.

In Room 2, we are reading ‘Rising Tide’! This story board is of what the important things in Chapter 6.

Here is some of the story-board slides:


Have you ever read the Rising Tide’ before?

What do you think?

Persuasive Writing- Every Class Needs A Furry Friend!

W.A.L.T Write a piece of persuasive writing about a topic of our choice

In room 2 we have been learning about and how to write persuasive writing. Mine is below if you want to check it out.

In persuasive writing you need 3 reasons and 1 opinion.


Have you ever thought about having a class pet? Something to hug when you’re sad?

In my opinion i think all classrooms should have a pet that’s huggable.

Firstly, are super cuddly. Secondly, you could do activities with them. Finally, You can read to them when your feeling down.


Firstly, The pets could calm with a hug and they are super fluffy and adorable. Fluffy and small animals are also good for small children to pat. They are also quite and don’t make loud sounds. Research shows that small animals are good for small places like classrooms.


Secondly, you can do brain breaks and other activities. Like when you need to go for a run you can lead the dog or cat with you. Research says that going on a walk is healthy for your body. It also help you lower your blood sugar and make your bones and muscles stronger.


Finally, you can read to them if your feeling down and if you want you can read to yourself and hug the dog and/or other pet. Research shows that cats and dogs can help reduce stress,anxiety and depression. They can also help children learn how to care for an animal. So everyone needs a pet in there class!


Have you ever wanted a dog in your classroom?

Do you want a fluffy companion in your class?

Do you want something to hug in your classroom?

I think everyone needs a pet in their classroom!!!

Some people might say that they won’t be good in the classroom because they might be violent. And some other people might be allergic to say a dog. But some dogs like poodles,Scottish terriers,whippet,miniature schnauzer,Yorkshire Terrier,West Highland Terriers and Afghan Hound don’t shed. So if someone is allergic just have one of these!


In conclusion I think everyone needs a pet in their class, I have three reasons to support my opinion. Firstly, they are soft and clam. So good for lil kids! Secondly, they are amazing for brain breaks. Finally, you can read and at them or read to them! So, do you disagree or agree? Do you think everyone should have a pet in the class?

What do you think?

Do you agree with me?